Orders in Council
in British government, orders given by the sovereign on the advice of all or
some of the members of the privy council, without the prior consent of
Parliament. Orders in council, first so named in the 18th cent., are based either
on royal prerogative or on statutory authority. The prerogative allows an order
in council to be used to ratify a treaty, to declare the end of a state of war, or
to appoint civil service commissioners, but as a vehicle of royal power such an
order no longer has any utility. Orders in council are authorized by statute in
situations where a possible emergency is contemplated in which routine
legislative procedure might be too cumbersome. The order is recommended to
the sovereign by the government official responsible, and there is generally a
provision for subsequent parliamentary ratification. The most important use of
this administrative device has been in time of war. The economic blockade of
European ports during the Napoleonic Wars was accomplished by means of
orders in council, and they were also used in World Wars I and II, particularly
in reference to foreign trade and domestic economic regulation. Among
possible current uses are the declaration of a state of emergency, the
dissolution of government departments and the redistribution of governmental
functions, and the issuance of an extradition order.