Hartford Convention
Dec. 15, 1814–Jan. 4, 1815, meeting to consider the problems of New
England in the War of 1812; held at Hartford, Conn. Prior to the war, New
England Federalists (see Federalist party) had opposed the Embargo Act of
1807 and other government measures; many of them continued to oppose the
government after fighting had begun. Although manufacturing (fostered by
isolation) and contraband trade brought wealth to the section, “Mr. Madison's
War” (as the Federalists called the War of 1812) and its expenses became
steadily more repugnant to the New Englanders. The Federalist leaders
encouraged disaffection. The New England states refused to surrender their
militia to national service (see Griswold, Roger), especially when New
England was threatened with invasion in 1814. The Federal loan of 1814 got
almost no support in New England, despite prosperity there. Federalist
extremists, such as John Lowell and Timothy Pickering, contemplated a
separate peace between New England and Great Britain. Finally, in Oct.,
1814, the Massachusetts legislature issued a call to the other New England
states for a conference. Representatives were sent by the state legislatures of
Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; other delegates from New
Hampshire and Vermont were popularly chosen by the Federalists. The
meetings were held in secret. George Cabot, the head of the Massachusetts
delegation and a moderate Federalist, presided. Other important delegates
were Harrison Gray Otis (1765–1848), also a moderate, and Theodore
Dwight, who served as secretary of the convention. The moderates prevailed
in the convention. The proposal to secede from the Union was discussed and
rejected, the grievances of New England were reviewed, and such matters as
the use of the militia were thrashed out. The final report (Jan. 5, 1815)
arraigned Madison's administration and the war and proposed several
constitutional amendments that would redress what the New Englanders
considered the unfair advantage given the South under the Constitution. The
news of the Treaty of Ghent ending the war and of Andrew Jackson's victory
at New Orleans made any recommendation of the convention a dead letter.
Its importance, however, was twofold: It continued the view of states' rights as
the refuge of sectional groups, and it sealed the destruction of the Federalist
party, which never regained its lost prestige.