Embargo Act 1807
passed Dec. 22, 1807, by the U.S. Congress in answer to the British orders
in council restricting neutral shipping and to Napoleon's restrictive Continental
System. The U.S. merchant marine suffered from both the British and French,
and Thomas Jefferson undertook to answer both nations with measures that
by restricting neutral trade would show the importance of that trade. The first
attempt was the Nonimportation Act, passed April 18, 1806, forbidding the
importation of specified British goods in order to force Great Britain to relax
its rigorous rulings on cargoes and sailors (see impressment). The act was
suspended, but the Embargo Act of 1807 was a bolder statement of the same
idea. It forbade all international trade to and from American ports, and
Jefferson hoped that Britain and France would be persuaded of the value and
the rights of a neutral commerce. In Jan., 1808, the prohibition was extended
to inland waters and land commerce to halt the skyrocketing trade with
Canada. Merchants, sea captains, and sailors were naturally dismayed to find
themselves without income and to see the ships rotting at the wharves. All
sorts of dodges were used to circumvent the law. The daring attempt to use
economic pressure in a world at war was not successful. Britain and France
stood firm, and not enough pressure could be brought to bear. Enforcement
was difficult, especially in New England, where merchants looked on the
scheme as an attempt to defraud them of a livelihood. When in Jan., 1809,
Congress, against much opposition, passed an act to make enforcement more
rigid, resistance approached the point of rebellion—again especially in New
England—and the scheme had to be abandoned. On March 1, 1809, the
embargo was superseded by the Nonintercourse Act. This allowed
resumption of all commercial intercourse except with Britain and France.
Jefferson reluctantly accepted it. Not unexpectedly, it failed to bring pressure
on Britain and France. In 1810 it was replaced by Macon's Bill No. 2 (named
after Nathaniel Macon), which virtually ended the experiment. It provided for
trade with both Britain and France unless one of those powers revoked its
restrictions; in that case, the President was authorized to forbid commerce
with the country that had not also revoked its offensive measures.