The Battle of Brownstown

In early August 1812 an American relief column was making it's way to Detroit. Captain Brush was in command of this force that had arrived at the River Raison. They were bringing cattle and other supplies to General Hull's Army. While the column was at the River Raison Captain Brush sent a messenger to General Hull, who was now in the Canadian town of Sandwich. (present day Windsor Ontario)

The message said that the Shawnee Chief Tecumseh and some of his warriors had crossed the Detroit River and were now near or at the village of Brownstown. It also stated that Tecumseh was possibly being eacorted by British regulars.

Captain Brush asked that troops be sent from Detroit to help protect his supply column. This was agreed to by General Hull, on August 4th 1812 two-hundered Ohio militia marched south under the command of Major Thomas Van Horne.

As Major Van Horne and his men were crossing the Brownstown Creek, three miles north of the village of Brownstown, twenty-four native warriors and Tecumseh ambushed the supply column to the south. The Americans became confused and started to retreat. The Indians pursued the Americans as far as the Ecorces River, it was here that the Indians broke off their attack.

The Americans lost 18 men killed, 12 wounded and 70 men missing. The Indians lost one man, a chief. This was only a small skirmish, but it did show that the American supply line to Ohio was not secure. But more importantly General Hull became convinced that he was outnumbered by British and Indian forces.